Parking for the Bryce Jordan Center is provided and managed by Penn State Transportation Services. See where you can park on your next visit by viewing our Interactive Parking Map.
Parking Info
General parking for Bryce Jordan Center events is available in the Commuter Lots (Jordan East, Stadium West and Porter North). Additional Parking available in the East Parking Deck.
- Parking requires a valid Penn State parking permit or payment of the event parking fee.
- There is no charge for parking with a valid Penn State parking permit.
- Pre-pay and save through ParkMobile
- Cash parking will not be available on the night of the event. Fans without a Penn State parking permit or who have not prepaid through ParkMobile (available until 11:59 PM the day before your event) will be required to pay full price for parking through the HONK platform via one of the following methods:
- Scan the QR Code on the flyer provided upon parking or on in-lot signage
- Text PSUCR to 75498 and tap the link
- Download the HONK app and enter zone number PSUCR
Head-in parking is required in event parking areas, and the license plate number provided with payment must match that of the vehicle parked for the event.
Email [email protected] for event parking questions.
Parking is provided and managed by Penn State Transportation Services.
Parking Alert
Beware of fraudulent parking permits being sold by third-party resellers! If your license plate does NOT match what’s listed on your permit, you’ve purchased a fraudulent permit. If you have a fraudulent permit, return it to the original point of purchase, and secure parking directly from ParkMobile.
Pre-Paid Parking through Parkmobile
How to Reserve Event Parking - ParkMobile from ParkMobile on Vimeo.
- Prepayment is required by 11:59 p.m. the day before the event or day-of-event rates will apply.
- Guests must park at the lot selected on the ParkMobile website
- Guests must present their ParkMobile QR code to event parking staff on their mobile device. Printed permits from the ParkMobile website will also be accepted.
Accessible Parking
Accessible parking is available in the Commuter Lots. Parking in these lots is available upon a first-come, first-served basis and requires a valid, state-issued ADA placard or license plate in addition to payment for parking (see page for pre-payment and day-of-parking payment options).
Non-Event Parking
Visitors have access to parking across University Park. Parking rates vary by location, time, day, or week. Higher rates may apply during special events.
Real-time visitor parking capacity information is available for the East, HUB, Nittany, and West parking decks.
Pay for parking at select areas with the ParkMobile app.
For more information on parking locations and rates, visit Penn State Transportation Services.
Public Transportation
The Centre Area Transportation Authority (CATA) is a Joint Municipal Authority serving the Centre Region delivering safe, reliable, accessible and affordable transportation, provided in a courteous and environmentally, fiscally and socially responsible manner. For more information, please visit CATA or call (814) 238-CATA (2282).